Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Analysing A Film Trailer.

As the trailer begins, the first thing we see is the production logo: NEW LINE CINEMA, a Time Warner Company. From the production logo alone, the audience can assume that this trailer will be of the highest standard as Time Warner is an extremely prestigious film company. Whilst creating our own production logo we to
ok these elements into consideration and pr
oduced our log
o so that it would appear sophisticated and trustworthy to our audience. We also used the convention of having our trailer opening with an image of our production logo.
The establishing shot sets the scene for the trailer. It depicts a deserted wasteland, employing a midshot of the side of a building. This shot is not too dissimilar from our establishing shot, except ours is in black and white.

-Establishing shot from Nightmare on El
m Street-

-Establishing shot from our teaser Obsessed-

The trailer then shows a rapid succession of location shots with a middle aged man running through the deserted streets. An angry mob are following him and soon set a house on fire with him inside it. The audience do not know why they are chasing him or why they wish to kill him, creating a sense of mystery for the audience, a typical conv
ention of the slasher horror genre. Unlike our teaser, this trailer shows more than one victim and how and when they are murdered. We decided to challenge this convention as we felt that holding back that information from the audience would make them want to find out more. The eerie and childlike music and the use of 'evil children' suggest that the killer is seeking revenge from something that happened to him as a child. We decided to include eerie, cho
ir music to our teaser to connote mystery and also revenge. The
speed of the trailer, like most is rapid and only shows the killer from behind. However we are introduced to his murder weapon; his razor sharp claws.
The trailer ends with a close up of a woman screaming then cuts to the titles, which our covered in blood. We took inspiration from the font and layout of this shot, for our own closing clip.

-A Nightmare On Elm Street-

-Obsessed Movie-

The trailer ends on a shot of Kruger stroking his latest victims face with his claws. He whispers "don't worry about it. This wont hurt one little bit." This is an extremely dramatic ending and leaves the audience desperately wanting to find out more about the movie.